Monday, March 23, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

We had a blast this weekend with Raul and Kelly and Trish! I really forgot how much I love and miss them! Going over there was like going to a warm home in the middle of a blizzard. Really. I feel so motivated now to do more stuff and be a better person. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

It was very fun trying to hide cakes and candles and Heart tickets from Trish and walking on the "brackish" water beach. Lol. Plus Kelly taught me how to ride a bike! She is an excellent teacher! It was scary but very fun. THANK YOU KELLY! Fun memories.

And there were some very awful pictures that hopefully will not make it onto the blog because they are BAAADD. (Blob neck)

We left late yesterday and did not get home until midnight so getting up this morning was fun :P But my kids are so good they make it easy on me. Anyway I CANNOT wait to go back this weekend. I wish we could stay for more than two days! Can't wait for the summer :)