Monday, August 31, 2009


We have some crazy bruising on our bodies! It is nuts how our bodies can change to such different dark colors, but that is not what I am posting pics of. I don't want to show off this fat belly to anyone except Daniel. :) I am posting pics of our car. We went to go get everything out of her today. REAL SAD :'(. Yes I HATE shopping for cars. I never know what I really want. Daniel says he wants a camaro. lol. YEAH RIGHT!!! I kind of want some sort of SUV thing or something bigger, but still get good gas mileage, or maybe a prius.... I don't know! Anyways here are the pics of our beautiful car (taken by my phone).

Sunday, August 30, 2009


On our way home from Lafayette yesterday, we rear ended a stopped vehicle while we had been going approx. 70 mph. We are fine, my brother was discharged last night from the ER and Daniel and I didn't even need to get checked out. The other people are also okay. We KNOW that we were protected by God. (Especially since we were in the Corolla and we caused SOOO much devastation without really even being touched.)

But our car is totally destroyed. And the truck we hit had a trailer on the back of it that had a motorcycle and a tractor on it.(And all of it is totaled.) Of course we rear ended them so it is our fault and we are not sure what is going to happen money wise. Please pray for us that everything will work out.