Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our weekend

This weekend was pretty awesome! Felicia came over and we finally got to go shoot these guns of ours. My 40 cal is pretty powerful...I LIKE IT! lol but actually I think right now I prefer my brother's 9mm. Smoother shot. But I think I could get used to mine. :) Then yesterday we decided to stop by the Frog Festival in Rayne. It was pretty lame. But we got some excellent jambalaya from one of the booths. Very YUMMY! And Daniel went on his first ferris wheel ride in his whole life! LoL. He was kind of freaking out and has now decided that he is afraid of heights.

And then today we went to church in our new branch in Jennings! That is really the highlight of the weekend! I love that little branch! All of us already feel totally at home! It is sad that we have been missing this for w whole year! See, We have kind of been in Limbo the last year (ever since we moved to Crowley). Because we thought we were in the Jennings Branch boundaries, but our Bishop in Lafayette ward told us not to worry about it. Its all good though. Now we have found where Heavenly Father wants us :) So awesome!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

YAY for Veterans. I am so grateful to all the vets who have fought and are fighting for America. And especially to my awesome husband who served honorably and continues to live as a righteous man in Zion. I LOVE you Daniel!!!

Also YAY for Baby Zoey!!! She is so precious and little! I wish we could be there with Crystal and Kevin, but alas we are too far away :( I hope and pray that all continues to go well with you guys. :)

And today my students performed a veteran's day program for one of the Elementary schools. It was very successful and I think even the littlest children were at least touched by the music. It was great and I am SOOOOOOoooooo glad its over. So all in all it has been a wonderful week so far. Now we get to start on Christmas music, and I have decided that since we have been working so hard thus far, instead if having a Christmas performance per say, we are going....CAROLING! Woo Hoo. I am even going to look up some of the addresses of the school board members and carol them YAY. Super fun.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wow it has been a while. Well how is life? Let me see... I think I have finally gotten into the groove of teaching this year. I am actually kind of enjoying it. And I think Daniel is feeling better since he quit school. He has less pressure on him, but now he wants to go back....I promise that man is more fickle than most women!! Anyway, whatever he does I am supporting...although my preference is for him to finish school and that way I can stay home with our future babies. Which brings me to another topic. I normally don't complain because I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us, and I really try to see the good in all situations, but right now I am just frustrated because I feel like Daniel and I are pretty righteous. I mean really we are average, and I know we can be much better. But why can't we just be able to have kids!!??? Why do I have to have stupid problems with hormones and fatness?! Why do I like food so much! Its really frustrating...

Stupid teenagers who don't know what they are doing and other people who don't even want their kids are having babies all over the place@!

But then I remember all of my friends and family who have problems and I think how much they are hurting. What right do I have to complain. Plus, like if we would have already had babies, we wouldn't have had this time to grow together and grow up. So I know its all good. I just find it a little hard to enjoy church sometimes because most women either have kids or are pregnant there. And i feel like I am less of a woman sometimes because I can't do the one thing that is the catch all purpose of be a mother. Also all of my extra facial hair doesn't help. lol well anyways

Other than these negative feelings which don't really arise very often, we are doing well. Daniel really is the cutest man on the planet! He is very supportive and I just noticed that when I get home he changes into this super excited man who is just happy with life. That makes me feel like I am at least doing something right :) Well good night.

P.S. Where is the baby Zoey we are all so anxiously awaiting? Zoey? Zooooeeeyyyy...