Wednesday, July 6, 2011

We have had a miracle in our lives this week :) Yesterday my sister brought my beautiful nephew into the world!

Timothy James Verbick

Born July 5, 2011

at 1:20 p.m.

9 pounds 8 ounces

21 inches long

head: 14.5 inches

chest: 14 inches
Although Shannan was hoping for a normal birth process, she ended up having to do a c-section. For one thing he was 9 pounds 8 ounces and for another... he was breach. So we were able to be in the hospital the whole time the process was taking place. We were all so excited for his arrival! Of course with the ultrasound technology we have today, we were able to tell whose nose he had several months ago, but the rest was a mystery until yesterday :) And the conclusion is (drumroll please)............He looks just like his daddy! (except the nose) the hairline which has been in Mike's family for three generations has now graduated to the fourth. And he is just a bundle of sweetness and love! He is the biggest newborn I have ever seen! As we were watching the nurse take care of him yesterday in the nursery we noticed his massive cheek drooping down onto the bed. What a cutie! I promise we have more pictures, but when I tried to take them on my phone so I could upload them today, Mike insisted we use his camera which of course is much better quality, but that also means no pictures until later :( But I will post as soon as we get them :)
Shannan is doing well. She is really enjoying the morphine and had a blessing yesterday for a swift and smooth recovery. She is going to try and walk today to help the process along. She is a beautiful, strong, positive person! I am so proud of her and feel blessed to call her my sister! And I guess Mike is okaaay. :) They will be amazing parents who will teach Timothy how to be a righteous priesthood holder in Zion, who knows his Heavenly Father loves him and has a testimony of Jesus Christ! We love our little Timothy James Verbick!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Long time no blog

Man oh Man! It sure feels like it has been a lifetime since we found little Beyonce in Crowley.. Its crazy how time flies!! Since then we have put our house on the market and actually we now have a person interested, she just has to see if she can get a loan. So please pray for us to sell that house!!! It would make life sooooooo much better to have that off our backs.

Lets see what else has happened....

My choir has had a successful year :) With our glee-like homecoming performance! Our fun-filled Christmas Extravaganza and the Magical Beauty and the Beast! Man oh man was it hard! So many times I decided I would not be teaching at Leesville next year! So many times I just wanted to quit right then and there. But we made it! The kids were AMAZING and it was a super success!!! And now it feels so good to have it all behind us :)

In the baby-making realm, we had an HSG done in October and because of the results of that, were told that IVF was our only route to have a baby. Daniel and I didn't really believe it, but when we went to the specialist in Lafayette he kinda told us the same thing although he said in order to be sure he would have to do a laparoscopy to see what was up. Then he wanted us to pay 5000 smakaroos so we said no thank you.
Then we went to Dr. Grunert in Houston and he has been so so so awesome!! We had the surgery done and then he showed us pictures (eeewwwwwwwww) lol and it looks like the only problem is that I am not ovulating. And he says that is easy to fix! So we are beginning a clomed regimen in a couple of days and hopefully that works :)Pray for that too!!! :)

Daniel graduates in a YEAR!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!! Still don't know where we are going but I am sure it will be fun wherever we go :)

That is pretty much all the important stuff from us. Can't wait for summer break!! :)
Oh, I almost forgot! Daniel got me a HUGE towel for Mother's Day so when we visit Raul and Kelly I can use it to lay in the sun! Can't wait!!!