Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow! Has it been a long time

Hello out there!
Just wanted to let you know we did not fall off the face of the earth. We've just bee really busy. I am going nuts teaching in two parishes. Its pretty crazy. But I will deal until something else comes up.

My birthday was AWESOME! My dear friend, Patty rushed to get to school before me so she could put my present next to the sign-in sheet and surprise me. It was SOoo cute. She gave me a card with a little old man playing the accordion and two little old ladies dancing next to him. When you open it, it says "Its your birthday! Act Accordionly." Super cute. And she always tells me I sound like Sleeping Beauty when I hum to myself so she got me the Special edition DVD of Sleeping Beauty and a Disney Princess Calendar. :) When I got home, Daniel brought me twenty-four gorgeous roses :) (One for each year I have been alive) And he built me a computer, and got me a game for the wii.It was a wonderful day.

And things have been going well for Daniel in school, although he is still working on a paper that was due three weeks ago! I can't believe him! But he says it will be fine. He does not have school tomorrow thanks to Veteran's Day. I still have school. No good. And I haven't heard anyone at any of my schools talking about it at all. CRaZy! Oh well, ya win some ya lose some.

Our house is ummmmmmm progressing I guess. I have kinda taken a break from it because I have been so busy with work. We still need to finish the walls and all that other stuff and we also need to save for a new kitchen.

Happy Late b-day Janae! Love you little girl! It sounds like you guys had a great time. Happy Anniversary Raul and Kelly! Love y'all


Beluga said...

Your birthday sounds great! Wish I was closer and coulda done sumthin for ya!
Hey, in a couple weeks some ppl from church along with tons of other ppl are having an international festival. There will be tons-o-food, dance, fun and stuff. You know, Danny Boy's fav. Anywho, it would be A-W-E-S-O-M-E if you could come :) Perrty please.
It's November 22nd. Let us know.

Love ya!

Jake and Sandy said...

Hey Jessica!!!!! It sounds like things in your life are just as crazy as mine.. GREAT and GOOD LUCK!!!! Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know tha tI miss you and think of you often. Send me a comment on my blog or call sometime. Jake and I got a camper so maybe we can come visit you guys for a weekend and do something together...let me know! Love you chica and miss you tons!

Beluga said...


The Curiels

Sheena said...

That does sound like a great birthday, and flowers they never get old I would love them anytime of the year, but we are still working on that. Hope things slow down but if they don't you always have your Christmas vacation to look forward to when you come see us!! And Happy Turkey Day!!

Sheena said...

PS - I love your Lilo and Stitch picture, so cute!!

aprilDAWN said...

love and misss you guys!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

Check out my blog for details on the Christmas Party.

Beluga said...

Did you get snow today??????????????????????????