Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!!

Wow! One day it was 75 degrees and the next morning we had snow on the ground! What a difference. The weather men kept saying we were going to get snow and I did not believe it until I woke up on Thursday morning to see snow on our ground. I ran to wake Daniel up and get the camera. It has not snowed here in like 20 years. So anyway, we had fun in the early morning cold.

Here is Daniel with a hat from one of our lawn ornaments.

Our fence was kinda pretty. It was way lighter outside, but my camera was taking dark pics for some reason.

This is our car with all the snow on it.

And the ground.

There wasn't enough here to stay home from school. It melted by 9:30 where we live, but about 30 minutes away (at a school that I go to) the snow stayed all through the next day and those kids got out of school. I thought that was nice. Anyway, I hope everything is going well for everyone and we can't wait to see you all!


Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

HOW FUN!!! I love snow! There is an 80% chance of snow at our house tonight!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

ps, we love the sweater daniel.

Sheena said...

How fun, to bad there wasn't enough to actually play in but I bet it was awesome to have snow after 20 years. That's crazy!