Monday, December 15, 2008

Recent Activity

Hi All!
We have been having fun over here in Louisiana keeping busy with all kinds of things. We are now ward missionaries in our ward and that keeps us pretty busy doing new member discussions and such. I have also been working hard to prepare my students for their performance which is coming up on Thursday night. They are going to do well I think. For my theater students, we just had tryouts for the play we will be doing "Much Ado About Nothing" They did SOOOO well. I think our performance is going o be phenomenal. And with all that going on, we also had a performance of our own yesterday. I sang in the Messiah with the Vernon Parish Community Choir. The choir director was my fifth grade music teacher and he is a really funny old black man! I just love him! My siblings and I have been performing with these guys for many years so its kind of a family tradition. Daniel didn't sing with us this year but he was sad he didn't. So now he is excited to do it next year :)
Its fun, but exhausting. And now we are ready to head up to AZ!! Woo Hoo! Actually we're not quite ready. We have got some packing and CD burning and all that jazz to accomplish. (Not to mention my kids' performance. We will see how it turns out!


Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

Can't wait to see you!!! Hope all goes well

Sheena said...

Wow you guys are busy I guess that's a good excuse to not be up to date on your blog. We are sooo excited for you guys to come YEAH!!!!