Monday, January 5, 2009

Managing my home with flylady

In relief Society this Sunday, we had a lesson on Managing our homes. I thought it was an awesome lesson! I really needed it and there was a lot of good advice going on. One of the things that was brought up was a website called and she helps you get your house in order a little at a time rather than overwhelming yourself with it all at once. And in the process, developing habits to keep your house this way. I just did Day 1 today. And the only thing she has you do is shine your sink. She also gives a step by step process of how to do it and I LOVE that!! Because I have never had a shiny sink and never tried to shine my sink. It is really awesome and I'm actually not grossed out by my sink anymore. I am excited to see what day 2 holds.

Here is my shiny sink :)


Sheena said...

My mom raves about the flylady, but she doesn't even do it...its the thought that counts right :) I love a clean sink even though I am looking at my sink right now and the dishes from my dinner are still in there...oh well like I said its the thought that counts lol

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

I get my blog backgrounds from
It's really super easy!!! She has step by step instructions too! I'm am a tottal air head when it comes to computers so I love this site.

Teresa said...

I did this at the beginning of last year. It worked great until I stopped doing it. Good Luck and stay with it. Oh and thank you to your friend Crystal I went to the blog site that she wrote about and changed my background. I love it!!

Beluga said...

Come visit! i need some Danny and Jessica love!

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

I love your new backgroung!!! Glad I can help ohh and now I have a shiny sink too