Sunday, May 3, 2009


Okay, okay, I know it has been quite a while since I posted. Sorry, been busy and only a few things have been really exciting, but this is EXCELLENT! Last night we went to Barnum and Bailey's Ringling Brothers circus here in Lafayette. We had floor seats so we were kind of part of the action. SUPER DUPER close! It was awesome! And of course, before it started Daniel said, "If they ask for any volunteers, I am not doing it. Even if they ask me I will refuse. This is Daniel we are talking about. Everyone already knows :) So what happens in the circus? The guy doing the show comes up and shakes some people's hands and then takes Daniel's hand and puts it high above his head and tells him to hold it there for a minute...Then he asks for a volunteer!!!!! Oh my gosh it was the funniest moment EVER! Then my clever brother-in-law, Rick gets out his handy camera and starts recording it. It so SOOOO hilarious. You can hear Rick, my sister, my niece, and I laughing in the background!. Listen really closely. This guy was super funny! ANd it makes it even funnier because it was Daniel. You can view it on my page, but if you're having trouble, here is the website.


Beluga said...

BEST thing I have seen in a LONG time...way to go Danny!

Beluga is doing fine, he is home now.

Kevin and Crystal Whitlock said...

WOW That WAS SO SO SO Funny!!! I was laughing so hard my eyes were watering. lol I'm glad you guys had fun.