Sunday, June 7, 2009 happened again. Sigh

THis little one was found in our driveway half starving, flea ridden and scared. So we are giving her a new home...actually we are not sure if she is a girl, but whatever. Anyway, we can't think of a name. post one if you can. (No, I'm not really that happy about another animal, but what can you do? Shelters kill cats like this everyday.)


Beluga said...

Baylor or Baley or Billi

Beluga said...

...from playing tetris on my phone.

Beluga said...

Are you back yet? are ya are ya are ya?

COME OUT FOR the 4th of JULY! We will go see the fireworks over the bay in Fairhope, I've been wanting to do it forever!

(the word verfication is BRATI - some sort of subliminal msg)

Beluga said...

Hey Never-bloggers!

The blue angels are flying over Pensacola beach this Sat. Supposed to be really really cool! Thought you could come out. Plus Tu is in heat so you can bring back the Nugget Head.

Love ya!