Monday, April 5, 2010

Wow it has been a VERY long time since I have posted! Time flies by so stinkin' fast I can't keep up! Heavenly Father is just blessing us so much I don't know where to begin...We are kind of established in Leesville now. My Mom's house is MUCHO cleaner because we all worked so hard before the wedding. My sister is now married and is Mrs. Michael Verbick. She is super happy. And I am so happy for them. Daniel is really doing well in school. He is so amazing! I know I will never be able to thank my Heavenly Father enough for the awesome husband he sent to me! I know eventually he will be an excellent father :) I think we make a great team!
I am also super grateful for the time we got to spend in Alabama with Raul and Kelly! You guys are so wonderful. We always have a great time with y'all :)

General conference was amazing! The people we got to watch it with were also amazing lol. Before the Sunday morning conference started the guys were watching some talks from the priesthood session and we watched Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. Oh my goodness..if you are having trouble waiting for something that is the talk to listen to! I am grateful he was inspired to give that talk because sometimes I get really frustrated with God...I see several pregnant high school girl's everyday. I see many abused teenagers come into my classroom. I see all kinds of things and wonder why myself and some of my dearest friends are not blessed to be mothers (yet). I mean what is the hold-up! But that talk has humbled me and brought my eternal perspective back. He says, "Patience, the ability to put our desires on hold for a time. is a precious and rare virtue. We want what we want and we want it now. Therefore the very idea of patience may seem unpleasant and at times bitter." We must have patience and know Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. In order to be perfect we must align our will to his and growing closer to God brings happiness. "Patience deepens happiness."

" Patience is not passive resignation...patience means actively waiting and enduring...not simply enduring, it is enduring well." I know patience is something I need to work on and I am grateful for the opportunity to work on it. I am so grateful for my savior Jesus Christ who has made it possible for me to repent and improve. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gave me the best man in the whole world to be sealed to eternally. I know growing together with Daniel and working on our eternal marriage has brought me closer to God and I try very hard to improve myself to be the best wife possible!!!


Beluga said...

I'm stealing this quote for my FB " Patience is not passive resignation...patience means actively waiting and enduring...not simply enduring, it is enduring well."

You did get a wonderful man with Danny! We are some lucky gals.


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