Friday, January 2, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Christmas in AZ was a blast! We got to spend lots of time with the family, and play with the little kidlets. I love them! I finally got to see Sheena's house and we went to Filibertos until we were sick of it. :) Next time we will probably fly and rent a car though, because I think that will be cheaper than driving. See, we got a ticket on the way up and on the way back. GRRRRRRrrr!!! I am really having a hard time not hating police officers in Texas right now. On the way back, we weren't even going ten OVER!!!! Oh has happened and there is nothing we can do now except pay them. But there was something cool that happened on the way home.

It was the middle of the night and both Daniel and I were kind of delerious so we decided we were going to stop at a rest stop. But it was FREEZING and we had no blankets or pillows or anything so we decided that we needed to stop at a place to by a blanket. These places in TX are few and far between so, we had to go for quite a while in this dangerous state (very tired) until we came to one place that I thought may have one. I asked a lady in the back and she did not speak English. ( I was not speaking it too hot myself at that point, so you can imagine that conversation.LOL) Then I went to the front and asked if they had blankets for sale. SHe said they did not but she had one in the car I could have. I was naturally a little wary and did not quite understand what she meant. (I couldn't even see straight much less comprehend conversation) Anyway, she brought me out to her car and gave me a cute little worn quilt. I was really touched. Actually I began crying because of her generosity (and exhaustion). I told her this was not necessary, and we would be able to find one. She said she wanted to give it to us and "Merry Christmas." WoW!! There are good things in Texas. So that was a little Christmas miracle that happened with us. And although it was just a little thing, it taught me a great real-life lesson.
"For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me:
I was cold, and ye gave me a blanket :)
...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

This year I am going to try to have more charity. And I will work as hard as possible to be the person in this scripture. Whether its with my family, friends, or a complete stranger.

This is the quilt :)


Beluga said...

what at touching story. I am so sorry you had to do that drive alone again. I know how hard it is. I cannot believe another ticket...ticket magnets to say the least :) sucky.
Glad you made it home ok and thanks so much for picking Raul up at the airport, that helped so much!
We will be making the drive next weekend, but we are gonna stop at a hotel for sure. I am unsure what state I will be we need to take our time.
Thanks again for all your help.

Sheena said...

Wow two tickets...that's craziness!!! But reading that story about the quilt (I cried) that's really awesome. And we had so much fun with you guys here!!