Monday, May 4, 2009

Spiritual Awakening

Last night, we went to the CES broadcast. Elder David A. Bednar was speaking. I always love his talks, but last night this one especially touched all of us. It was like he was speaking directly to our family. If you want to watch it, here is the link. It is lengthy but AMAZING!

1 comment:

Beluga said...

Raul and I will watch this tonight. Did the cake feed everyone? I want some cake :)

Yes, we still have Mango and Kiwi. Raul really loves Mango. Kiwi is more affectionate but easily scared and Raul hates that. Mango is a chiller. He will chill anywhere, anytime baby.

I LOVE my Beluga, Raul was not such a fan bc he is so needy but since the whole coma thing I think he might warm up to him. Oh, and he is having some wee wee issues. (meaning NOT in the litter box! (ARGH)