Wow! What a week! It was a total blast! Although I do think it moved a little too fast! I am already missing the Curiel's and Whitlock's and their awesome selves. Hopefully during the summer we can visit Raul and Kelly more, and then toward the end of July we are planning a trip to Utah, so we may pass through AZ on the way! That would be great!
So, let me tell you about our week. Daniel and I left to pick Crystal and Kevin up at the New Orleans airport on Tuesday afternoon. It was a nice drive (I slept pretty much the whole way) and when we got there, we were unsure where to pick them up, so we ventured around the airport until we found baggage claim. We only waited a few minutes when we saw their smiling faces! And then there was a happy reunion/introduction to our precious nephew Luke! He was just as happy as a lark with those big blue eyes checkin out the world around him. Gosh he is SOOOOOO cute! I couldn't get enough of those cheekies! (He better still have those the next time we see him!) ANyway, so we got in the car and started heading for Alabama. The ride was pleasant. Crystal and Kevin were so excited the whole time about how beautiful and green it is here! It was fun getting to hear that. We only made one stop so Crystal could feed the baby and that was in Biloxi Mississippi! That was a nice We were all introduced to biting knats (or flying fleas) that just wouldn't go away! Even after we left they were in the car with us! So we decided never to go there again. And we finally made it to Alabama to Raul and Kelly's new house. It was wonderful and comfortable and had lots of space for all of us! Plus Raul and Kelly went and got tons of snacks for us so we always had plenty of goodies >) tee hee no we did not follow the diet while we were there, but it was vacation! So yeah, the next day we went to Pensacola Beach and it was gorgeous! The waves were huge and just whacking us around, that was totally fun. But I am a chicken and was scared of all the jellyfish I kept seeing so I got out and sunbathed with Kelly and Crystal. Then we went home all sandy and stinky and ate some WONDERFUL pozole. Oh my goodness, it was beautifully delicious!
The next day, Kevin, Crystal, and I went to the Battleship. It was pretty cool with all of its weaponry and stuff and it was quite huge! There was also a submarine and lots of planes and stuff that were really neat, but some of them had been messed up in Hurricane Katrina so that was a little sad. I also saw the sexiest plane ever. It was a blackbird! And it was GIGANTIC! It hed as much fuel as two and a half semi trucks. (I think it said two and a half it may have been more) Anyways, this things held so much gas...its unbelievable. Then we went to Fairhope and walked on the pier. There was a cute little crane on there thaqt some people were feeding fish too. He was SOO cute with his little crooked neck. Anyway, Raul got pretty close, but it flew away later. And then we went to eat at the Blue Gill. And watched Alabama Idol which was a total hoot!
The next day we went deep sea fishing which totally rocked! Oh man was it awesome! We traveed out about two hours, and Daniel and I were on the side of the boat the whole time enjoying the view. And the waves were kind of hard at times. It felt like a roller coaster! And Daniel and I got totally soaked! It was so much fun. And it wasn't until we stopped and actually started to fish that everyone started getting sick. Daniel was the first to puke! Atleast of the Curiel bunch. I felt horrible for him, but couldn't do anything otherwise I would have gotten sick too...(sympathetic puker) Anyway Kevin also totally puked along with the rest of the people on the boat (pretty much) It was quite humorous actually. And then on the way home the ride was much smoother and we went up top and sunbathed. That's when we all got sunburns! Yes, even the mexicans. Well all of us except Kevin and Crystal. Lucky!
So yeah then we relaxed and hung out while our burns healed and then our last night, we went swimming in the pool. That was much warmer and had less life in it than the ocean.
Yesterday, Crystal, Kevin, Luke, Daniel and I all went to New Orleans on the way home. We kind of got lost because Daniel didn't stop and get gas on the freeway, so we were wandering around downtown New Orleans trying to find any gas station before running out of gas.. That was fun. We found our way back and then walked all around.Crystal and Kevin got to see how dirty it actually is. And Daniel almost got pickpocketed. But thank goodness for promptings and for following them.
We also saw the parts that were good. We went to Jackson square which is quite nice, and then went to the Mississippi River. Daniel and Kevin went and stuck their hands in so they can say they have touched it. Which is pretty cool. And then we drove past the garden district and went home. nce there we brought them to the little swamp that is on the campus of the school, pretty much right across the street to our house and we got to see little alligators and turtles and beautiful wildlife. We wanted to feed them crawfish, but by the time we got around to it, all the places were closed. Oh well. It was fun! I love those guys! And I hope they enjoyed their stay! I know I loved our vacation! But now its back to real life stuff and our old stressful lives...hopefully we will move soon, but I cannot tell when or how.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day Weekend
I hope everyone's Mother's Day was Fantastic! Ours was good. We went to Leesville to be with my Mom. And because we are buying a house, we have no money so we did not get her a present. Instead, we told her we would do anything she wanted us to do (AKA slave labor. lol)...well, we were outside all day on Saturday trimming trees and digging them up to move them. As well as trimming down all of her WILD HUGE SPIKY dew berry bushes and all other weeds in the yard. We also put in some hoses and pipes...and set up a pool. Now we have sore muscles and sunburnt bods. Well, Daniel isn't sunburnt, (Dang Mexican genes) But I am totally lobsterfied on my back. Its not so fun, but atleast I have a head start on a nice tan this year. (Meaning maybe I'll actually get some color). And now my Mom's yard/garden is clean and beautiful and ready to produce lots of organic fruits and veggies for us to pig out on! Woo Hoo!
P.S. This house thing isn't going as fast as we thought, and hopefully we will be done with closing by the 19th (before Kevin and Crystal get here). But we are not sure yet. Let's pray!
P.S. This house thing isn't going as fast as we thought, and hopefully we will be done with closing by the 19th (before Kevin and Crystal get here). But we are not sure yet. Let's pray!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Who is that Mexican Cutie?! And what kind of shoes are those?
This is from our Reception in LA. Because of the circumstances, we couldn't have our reception until after we had already been married a WEEK. How do you think Daniel behaved? First of all, he was refusing to go! He said it was a waste of time, but we all know it was because he was going to be the center of attention and he CAN'T STAND that! Then, after I convinced him to go, he refused to wear anything but tennis shoes on his feet! Oh well, it makes for good memories...Good Times.
Teacher Appreciation Week
This week has been GREAT! I don't need to bring my lunch because the students have been bringing lunch for the teachers at every school! Plus all these businesses are bringing all kinds of goodies that I should not be eating :) I didn't even know there was a such thing as teacher appreciaton week...but I like it! Two thumbs up!
P.S. Wouldn't it be great if mother's/wives got a whole week, rather than just a day? Just a thought...
P.S. Wouldn't it be great if mother's/wives got a whole week, rather than just a day? Just a thought...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I was looking through the pictures on my laptop and I got all nostalgic! So I decided to share some of them with you.
June 20th, 1963? I think that's the year. They were married and had a sweet ride!
This was my very first cat! I think I abused her on accident. Look at that HUGE forehead! My mom always told me it meant I had lot of brains! Hmm...

This is my mom and Dad I think they had been married a few years when this picture was taken, but its before the children came along. Its an old picture, so they both look a little pink. But I LOVE my mom's hair! And everytime I look at this picture I think, "Oh man! I came from some good looking people!"

This was taken before a high school dance that my Dad brought my mom to. And I think my grandmother made her dress! But I could be mistaken. They are totally classic! I love it!

June 20th, 1963? I think that's the year. They were married and had a sweet ride!

This was my very first cat! I think I abused her on accident. Look at that HUGE forehead! My mom always told me it meant I had lot of brains! Hmm...
I had some more pictures, but it won't let me put any more on right now, so our trip down memory lane is over.
Monday, May 5, 2008
My kitties
Okay this is the last one I promise!
Everyone is posting pics of their I am going to post some of my "kids" which hopefully we will someday have some human ones, but until then, these are my babies! They are cute and easy maintenance! These are not very good pics of them. I have way cuter ones on the computer we will be giving to Jonathan, but its packed up so these will have t
o do for now.
Everyone is posting pics of their I am going to post some of my "kids" which hopefully we will someday have some human ones, but until then, these are my babies! They are cute and easy maintenance! These are not very good pics of them. I have way cuter ones on the computer we will be giving to Jonathan, but its packed up so these will have t

This is Sadie! She will be 5 years old this summer! Although she looks like a punk in this picture, she is the sweetest thing on the planet. She never does anything bad, and she trained the other two to become the ninja kitties they are today. In this picture, she is also a little overweight, but we fixed that up right quick, she is now super healthy again!.jpg)
This is Oscar AKA "The Fat Cat" He's not so fat anymore, just big, but he used to have a HUGE cute! Oscar is 3 and a half and very shy, but if he loves you, he will clobber you so you will give him love! Oscar is Daniel's favorite, but most of the time, Oscar doesn't give Daniel the time of day! Hahaha I think its funny. I am definitely Oscar's favorite person, and Daniel is jealous. Last, but not least...we have Princess!.jpg)
He also goes by the name Chachota. (Daniel's creation) because we had to figure out something to call him after we found out he was a boy. Like I said this is not a really good pic. He is REALLY gorgeous, but the face fits. He is our little punk kitty! He is ALWAYS getting into trouble and finding things to do wrong! Daniel is his favorite person, but Daniel gets really mad at him sometimes. But even though he is bad, you can't help but love him because he is just so DANG cute! He is two years old this month!
Those are my kit-cats! Three is too many, but we love them anyway!
Cute Brother!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Dumpster Diving! Oh yeah!
Church was good. Of course it was testimony meeting and our ward is a little crazy, but the spirit was strong, and we were edified. Then I had my primary class. THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE! I love those cute little boys! And then we left to go home. On the way home, we saw this cute chair on the side of the road so we stopped in the middle of the road and tried to pick it up. It was pretty big and we were struggling to fit it in the car...of course the whole time, Daniel is FREAKING out because people are "looking" at him. And after about 10 minutes of struggle and trial and error, we decide we don't want the chair that badly anyways. We then get in the car and drive off. But I realize that I have to begin packing! AUGH! So we went around Lafayette's businesses trying to find dumpsters that have good boxes. No easy task, especially with a cute husband who thinks everyone is watching him and judging him for doing this. It was quite funny, and I do have to commend him because he did not TOTALLY freak out, which is what I'm used to. And we got enough boxes to get ourselves started so that's good...all in all, I would say it was a productive day!
P.S. Don't think I'm gross, but I kind of love dumpster diving, just not in nice clothes.
P.S. Don't think I'm gross, but I kind of love dumpster diving, just not in nice clothes.
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