Friday, July 25, 2008

How do you change the background?

I have been looking for a way to change our background but can't find one. Daniel's at work so he can't help. You guys are changing your backgrounds all the time. Can anyone help me?


Beluga said...

u know u can call me anytime. But whatever I help you do Danny will change it :)

Jake and Sandy said...

After signing in, go to the customize section. Click on "Pick new template." Then choose which one you want to use as your background. Love ya chica! Did you get our card?

Jake and Sandy said...

Yes, you got my card- I should have scrolled a little further down the page! :)

Beluga said...

Ooooh, preettty bluuue!

Jake and Sandy said...

I like your new background! How did you get the pretty designs?

Beluga said...

Im actually doing that very thing right now. I am sending out another mass email. I haven't gotten any response yet. I am also putting her on the AZ craigslist to see what kind of response we get.
I bet Sheena would be willing to foster her while we find her a home if one is not set up for her by the time you get there. We would still have much more luck in AZ than in the south.

I will let you know right when I hear something

aprilDAWN said...

cuteeeeee! cant wait to see you guys!