Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Misty Water-Colored Memories

This is the memory challenge from Kelly's blog. Its pretty fun, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Beluga said...

Ok lady- I called your new number - some other guy answered - I called your cell phone twice and left messages. Call me call me call me about July 4th. Raul has the weekend off and we could come out if you are available for visitors. if you have prior engagements I understand - no worries. But we'd love to come out with our jungle group!

Beluga said...

Also - memories. Meeting you for the first time I thought you were so dang cute and you reminded me of a friend that would go along with anything (like me highlighting your hair - go orange stripes!) Then of course how can I ever forget the real-cow icecream thing. It still makes me laugh cuz you were so serious!

I LOVE the memory you left of me - it brought tears to my eyes. :)

Sheena said...

Jessica!! Yes pregnant woman gotta eat! Well...
*When I first met you I just loved you instantly, you are so warm and loving how could I not love you! You really inspired me to be more patient and quiet and listen instead of giving my opinion all the time (but obviously that didn't stick but a few minutes).
*Going to Walmart to get picture frames for the Christmas presents you bought everyone, which was so thoughful and sweet. Who knew you could have so much fun at Walmart-tizzle?
*"WALKING THE POUNDS AWAY" in my front room infront of the whole family :) That was SOOO much fun!!

Beluga said...


things to do just in case-IM WAY TOO EXCITED I CANT TAKE IT - I WANNA LEAVE NOW!

We will leave early Thurs!!! WOOHOOO!

Beluga said...

We just wanna be wit y'all. The Friday night thing sounds like fun too! We like to eat whatever, and don't worry about your place. Remember how mine looked when everyone came out. It will just be fun to hang out with you and watch our dogs play :) :)

Beluga said...

We are probably gonna leave today around 6-7ish.Raul will call for directions :)

Beluga said...

ok- so our bank account is completely void of funds - literally so if you don't mind lets stay in to eat and only go to free events. :) we will party like the poor people we are :) :)

Beluga said...

ps I will bring a cooler with food from our fridge too so you dont have to supply us with all our meals :) cant wait to see you and get all our pets together -its gonna be a fun mess! (I know Danny is looking forward to it!)

Cartoontesam said...

OK I think I have the hook-up on memories of you. But I remember the first time I held you in my arms. You were 1 day old and you had the biggest cheeks ever! I thought you looked like a chubby, short little oriental person. You had alot of brown hair on top of your hair. You were my little sister and I was alittle overwhelmed. you stole my heart from that moment on. When you were 14 months old you had finally taken your first steps and when you would fall you landed on this huge cloth diaper that you used to wear. I remember also this cute little, hoarse sounding 6 year old who would try to sing. I loved it. You were always passionate about everything that was important too you. one day you watched The Little Mermaid about 3 times and you came running into the dining room where I was sitting and with great anger you pronounced your hatred of Ursala the sea witch. i knew right then, oh no don't get on Cacaraina's bad side.
I could continue to go on and on but suffice it to say I love being your sister and you are wonderful.