Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Recent Activity
We have been having fun over here in Louisiana keeping busy with all kinds of things. We are now ward missionaries in our ward and that keeps us pretty busy doing new member discussions and such. I have also been working hard to prepare my students for their performance which is coming up on Thursday night. They are going to do well I think. For my theater students, we just had tryouts for the play we will be doing "Much Ado About Nothing" They did SOOOO well. I think our performance is going o be phenomenal. And with all that going on, we also had a performance of our own yesterday. I sang in the Messiah with the Vernon Parish Community Choir. The choir director was my fifth grade music teacher and he is a really funny old black man! I just love him! My siblings and I have been performing with these guys for many years so its kind of a family tradition. Daniel didn't sing with us this year but he was sad he didn't. So now he is excited to do it next year :)
Its fun, but exhausting. And now we are ready to head up to AZ!! Woo Hoo! Actually we're not quite ready. We have got some packing and CD burning and all that jazz to accomplish. (Not to mention my kids' performance. We will see how it turns out!
Snow Day!!
Here is Daniel with a hat from one of our lawn ornaments.
Our fence was kinda pretty. It was way lighter outside, but my camera was taking dark pics for some reason.
This is our car with all the snow on it.
And the ground.
There wasn't enough here to stay home from school. It melted by 9:30 where we live, but about 30 minutes away (at a school that I go to) the snow stayed all through the next day and those kids got out of school. I thought that was nice. Anyway, I hope everything is going well for everyone and we can't wait to see you all!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wow! Has it been a long time
Just wanted to let you know we did not fall off the face of the earth. We've just bee really busy. I am going nuts teaching in two parishes. Its pretty crazy. But I will deal until something else comes up.
My birthday was AWESOME! My dear friend, Patty rushed to get to school before me so she could put my present next to the sign-in sheet and surprise me. It was SOoo cute. She gave me a card with a little old man playing the accordion and two little old ladies dancing next to him. When you open it, it says "Its your birthday! Act Accordionly." Super cute. And she always tells me I sound like Sleeping Beauty when I hum to myself so she got me the Special edition DVD of Sleeping Beauty and a Disney Princess Calendar. :) When I got home, Daniel brought me twenty-four gorgeous roses :) (One for each year I have been alive) And he built me a computer, and got me a game for the wii.It was a wonderful day.
And things have been going well for Daniel in school, although he is still working on a paper that was due three weeks ago! I can't believe him! But he says it will be fine. He does not have school tomorrow thanks to Veteran's Day. I still have school. No good. And I haven't heard anyone at any of my schools talking about it at all. CRaZy! Oh well, ya win some ya lose some.
Our house is ummmmmmm progressing I guess. I have kinda taken a break from it because I have been so busy with work. We still need to finish the walls and all that other stuff and we also need to save for a new kitchen.
Happy Late b-day Janae! Love you little girl! It sounds like you guys had a great time. Happy Anniversary Raul and Kelly! Love y'all
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I thought this was really cute
A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like."
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.
The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.
The Lord said, "You have seen Hell."
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand."
It is simple," said the Lord. "It requires but one skill. You see they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bomb Threat!
Also, We went to supercraft saturday this weekend and it was SOOO fun. I learned how to texture walls and it was so easy Daniel and I decided thats what we were gonna do! Finally we can get a move on with this house! So we have begun. And our house is dirty again. But its not so bad. I am actually enjoying it and it will be finished soon. Our hope is to have the walls in the dining room and living room textured, sanded, and primed by the time my family gets here on Saturday. I think its do-able if we work hard everyday. I actually have 98% of the walls finished in the dining room and one large wall textured in the living room. It doesn't take that much to sand its just dirty. Yea! We are getting somewhere, now we just need to figure out what colors we want.
I have pictures of the process, but I will post those in the HUGE upcoming post of the house from start to finish. Which will probably be a while since we still have to do crown moulding and paint the bedrooms and get curtains etc...Its never ending. Oh well.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
This weekend, I am taking a friend to Super Craft Saturday. It is the Relief Society Activity at our church. We are going to learn a whole lot of stuff. I can't wait. So SO So fun. And next weekend my family is coming down and we are going to have a party for my niece Natalie. She is turning eight! And the very next day she will be baptized! I am so excited for her. She is such a precious daughter of Heavenly Father. I know He is proud of her. And I am proud of her too. She always helps around the house and gets very good grades. She loves her sisters and her mommy and daddy very much and is a super cuddle bug!I am glad I get to be her aunt.
i know: Heavenly Father loves me
i want: Charity
i have: A loving husband and family
i wish: My dog would be potty trained already
i hate: forgetting everything!
i miss: hangin' out with my dad
i fear: car accidents
i feel: sleepy
i crave: BABIES!
i search: the internet?
i wonder: how much wood would a wood chuck chuck?
i regret: harsh thoughts and words
i love: DANIEL! that one was easy
i care: about my family
i always: procrastinate
i am not: the best cook
i believe: repentance is real
i dance: with Daniel
i sing: ALWAYS
i don't always: smile
i write: whatever comes to mind
i lose: the keys every time we go to my mom's house
i win: hardly ever
i never: brush my cats
i listen: less than I should
i am scared: Princess will die from eating clothes
i need:MORE TIME
i am happy about: Life
Monday, October 6, 2008
Long time no post
And then here we are ready for the first evening performance of Bridge to Terabithia.
Now that we have the late stuff out of the way...We have been doing well. We finally got to go see my family and that was fun. Always crowded, but its fun hanging out with them. I love those TeSam girls. And conference was incredible, as always. It is really amazing how I feel like they are talking straight to me sometimes. I think its also amazing how I can feel so edified and so uplifted and yet feel like a slacker and that I need to get my rear in gear. Only the spirit can teach us so well. Anyway...
We are going to Alabama next weekend for Kelly's house warming party. I think she's gonna LOVE what we are getting her. tee hee. It will be great to see them.
The weather is SO gorgeous right now. I can't believe its so cool in the beginning of October! This is my favorite weather. When its just getting ready to get cold, but its not cold yet. And in the morning its cool and crisp and just perfect. It fills me with energy and the best part is there are NOOOOO mosquitos. YEA!!! Well time to go cook dinner :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bridge to Terabithia
Things did not look great for the play on Monday, infact most of us were in tears...but it has really come together. Yesterday morning was our first performance and we had one today and then one tonight and one tomorrow night and then one on Sunday afternoon and then we are FINISHED!!! And I will finally be able to breathe and be a good wife once again. YEA! So I look smokin' hot right now for my performance tonight! I will have to take pics! Love ya
Monday, September 15, 2008
Can't take too long
Friday, September 12, 2008
Trogs has style
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Guess what I found!
Wedding reception.
This is my dad & Rachel-pie! Look how little!
Daniel is a hottie! Whew! and little Nattles, so cute
Daniel was being weird because he didn't want to be there, but he looks cute in this pic anyway. And so does Kimberly! I can't believe how young she looks! I just want to squeeze those cheekies!
My childhood best friend Sondra D. She is SUPER cute!
I worked at Lions Camp as a counselor for a summer. Here are a few pics. They are kind of awkward.
And finally some of that good ole awkwardness. There are no image editing systems on this comp. yet, so these pics are all stuck together.
Kimberly is so little in this pic. She may not even be a year old! CRAZY how they just grow up...hmm
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Post Hurricane
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hurricane a comin'
Plus we will have to tote all of our animals and that is NO FUN. But I guess we will keep an eye on it and see how bad it gets. It really could turn anywhere right now. But any way it goes it will be bad.
I was just thinking how amazing it is that we can be going along in life worried about silly stuff and then all of a sudden something huge comes up that could take away the really important things and everything gets put into perspective. Heavenly Father does really know what he's doing. Even though I am a little worried about what will happen to our newly purchased home, I know Heavenly Father will take care of us. His plan for us goes far beyond these earthly things. He loves us. He has a plan for us. Hopefully ours doesn't include "house being destroyed by hurricane" :) But if it does, we will get through it.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Remodel Update
Speaking of pictures...Sheena, when are you going to post pics of your house!?
So anyway, school is going fine. Things are still crazy and they just added another student/school today! I was already having a crazy time with scheduling before. I will just have to do my best. Okay, that's it for now. I need to make dinner.
Monday, August 18, 2008
We love family!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
*Pulling Hair Out and Making Crazy Faces*
In the meantime, I have begun school. Yesterday was my first day and I found out that I am going to be shared between two parishes. If you don't know what that means, just know that I will have to be doing A LOT more driving, scheduling is going to be a nightmare, and I am finishing the biggest part of my LaTaap this semester. In order to continue teaching, I must do well on that.
Daniel is doing fine with his job. School starts the last week of August for him, but he should do fine. He passed Calc. II!!!!! We are really excited about that! But he is having to drive back and forth from Lafayette, so that means more driving for both of us, which means (unless gas prices go down) we need another car to replace the Mazda. It just doesn't get good enough gas mileage, not to mention all its other problems.
And just to top it all off, our dogs came home with fleas. It is definitely our fault. We forgot to put stuff on them before we left, but COME ON! (For those of you who are Arrested Development lovers, that was said in Gob style) I hate fleas. If you don't take care of them fast enough, you never get rid of them. So we are doping our animals up tonight with TONS of flea medicine so that it doesn't become a problem. That would be just a perfect little addition to our situation.
Anyway, there are actually good things going on right now too (Its just sometimes hard to notice them). We have received lots of rain so my plants look good. (The outside ones atleast. Those that are inside have been decimated by our omnivorous felines.) Other good things? hmmmm...Raul and Kelly are coming this weekend. Although I'm a little stressed about that because we have nowhere for them to sleep or eat or do anything else. But its still good. Lets see, Jonathan will come to live with us soon. That will be fun.
what else....(jeopardy song)
I am sure there are other good things , I just can't think of them right now. And I have to go give Trogdor a bath so have a good night. Hopefully I will post happy things soon.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Haircut Day
Friday, July 25, 2008
How do you change the background?
Happy Anniversary
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New Camera :)
This is the living room ceiling. Not much fun to live with.
This is the place where we live (normally a mother-in-law suite). One room full of pretty much everything. Its kinda frustrating, but it will all be over soon and then we will have a lovely habitation.
Our patio is full of wood with nails sticking out among other things. I have taken more pics, but will post them later with some after pictures.